Catherine Conrad Waters
I accepted Christ at the age of nine. Prior to that time, I had been in church most every Sunday. Others I knew had accepted Christ, but I didn't understand what it meant. Then one day when I was at Vacation Bible School in Cook Springs, Alabama, we were in small groups reading our Bible verses for the day and discussing what they meant. I had an inexplicable desire to know more, to truly understand who Jesus was. So, when we were walking on a trail to the "sawdust hill" to play King of the Hill, it was my opportunity to ask questions. I had to know more. I did not know at the time, but later realized God was working in my heart. The Holy Spirit was prompting me to have a deeper understanding.
One of the favorite games of campers was King of the Hill. However on that day being King of the Hill, or as I used to say, Queen of the Hill, didn't matter to me. (I may have seemed like tutus and ballet shoes, but I didn't want boys to beat me at a game.) That particular day I did not even play, I stayed at the back of the line walking along a path with two counselors. I do not even remember their names, but they answered my questions. I am thankful God put them in my life, and that they were faithful to Him. Their answers helped me to know in that moment that I needed Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I knew I was sinful and that he was the one who covered my sin with His blood, washing away my sin and making me a child of God. That is the moment I prayed to receive Christ. I can still remember feeling like God was smiling down on me, as if I were the only person in the world.
Since that time, I have faced many trials. One of those moments was when I woke up from a surgery to discover that I was paralyzed from the waist down. At that moment, it wasn't easy to wake up each morning and be thankful to God. I struggled to say, "This is the day the Lord hath made; [I] will rejoice and be glad in it," (Psalm 118:24) but I made myself say it. I had to have faith that God had a plan. Doctors did not have a prognosis for my recovery, but God did. The picture above was taken of me nine months after that surgery.
God does not promise Christians an easy life, and he doesn't always answer prayers the way we want. There are many times that the answer I wanted was not the one I got, but I know that God is always faithful. He has proven that to me over and over again.
My life verse is, "But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. To him be the glory now and forever! Amen." (II Peter 3:18) It is my belief that we should continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Savior, in order to share it with others throughout our lives.